Plastic Bags Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg

We’ve heard it so many times many of us have simply zoned out and become numb. “We need to protect the environment before we completely destroy the earth. Let’s be more resourceful. Let’s recycle. Let’s stop using products that deplete the ozone and contaminate the earth, the air and the oceans.” Great sentiments and most of us say we’re aware. But are we, really?

How often do we automatically accept our takeaway Subway sandwich in a plastic bag? What about the toiletries you pick up at London Drugs or a few grocery items? Some places don’t even ask if you want a bag, it’s just assumed and in the bag it goes. Even those leftovers from your meal in a restaurant which are already put in Styrofoam containers are then put in plastic bags. They may be quick and convenient but they’re used only for minutes and last a lifetime wreaking havoc on the earth. Many of those plastic bags end up in our oceans destroying marine life and contaminating the food we put back on our dinner tables.

Recently, the city of Los Angeles banned the use of plastic grocery bags joining other cities like Seattle, San Francisco and now Toronto is following suit by implementing the ban in 2013. Good move Toronto.

A recent poll conducted by Angus Reid revealed that more than half of Canadians are in favor of banning plastic bags in Canada, but the other half is not so sure. It’s a controversial move because some feel that it will generate an overuse of paper whichultimately harms the forests. Others say it will cause people to accumulate too many cloth bags, although that argument doesn’t carry much weight. We all have a closet full of clothes, so a few cloth bags doesn’t really constitute over-consumption. And of course, there are those who say they simply cannot live without their beloved plastic bags.

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