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Benefits Of Reusable Grocery Bags

a group of reusable grocery bags with different designs

Reusable Grocery bags: Reusable grocery bags are made from durable materials that can be used multiple times, as opposed to single-use plastic bags. They are commonly made from materials such as cloth, nylon, or recycled plastic and are often designed to be foldable or collapsible for easy storage. Reusable bags are a more environmentally friendly…

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Looking For A Replacement For Plastic Bags – Start Here!

a group of plastic bags on a wall

Bags In Canada. In Canada, most jurisdictions have banned or will ban plastic take-away bags this year for grocery stores and most other retail stores. You can read more about the plastic bag ban here. This move has many people looking for less-expensive paper bag and/or reusable bag alternatives. As we specialize in custom design,…

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New! Our Handybag Line Of Unique Reusable Bags…

Reusable bags

Icegreen Reusable Bags Icegreen reusable bags  is pleased to introduce the Handybag line. Handybags are an innovative new series of packaging products created for grocers and retailers to stock and re-sell to their customer base with the potential for full customization and private labelling. As more and more municipalities across Canada are implementing restrictions on (oreven…

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Reusable Bags Made From PET Bottles

a black reusable bag with white text

Reusable Bags – A Case Study The Province Of Yukon was looking for reusable bags and a solution to encourage local residents to decrease the usage of single-use plastic bags, and to replace them with a reusable bag made from recycled materials. Less than 9% of plastic is recycled in Canada. Millions of plastic bags…

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Tamper Evident Paper Bags – Made In Canada

Tamper evident paper bags

Tamper Evident Paper Bags We are pleased to now offer tamper evident paper bags. NOW OFFERING – TAMPER EVIDENT BAGS! We have developed a way during the automated manufacturing process to add a two-sided tape to the inside patch of the bag. This allows the retailer or restaurant to seal the paper bag after packing…

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How One Can Encourage Supermarkets To Avoid Plastic

Reusable shopping bags

In striving to make the world a better place to live by supporting sustainable development, supermarkets have taken steps to reduce single-use plastic. This kind of campaign gained momentum in the UK when British Prime Minister Theresa May declared war against the use of plastic on ‘throwaway culture.’ The Prime Minister further added the encouragement…

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